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Service:Ear Candling/Coning Session add another, change

Ear Candling takes about Forty Five Minutes to perform. During the process you will feel a candle being lightly inserted into the ear and after it is lit you may feel a warm sensation in the ear. You will hear crackling sounds coming from the candle as it burns down. You could find that your hearing is much more acute and has improved if a blockage of wax is present. Your ears could feel airy and opened to sounds, tones and an overall sense of freshness. After being candled you may feel a sense of warmth or itching in the ear. This can relieved by the use of ear oil available at my office The ear oil contains garlic, eucalyptus, tea tree, olive and mullein oils. You may find your sinuses are draining or the drainage has increased after the session, which may relieve pressure and help clean out any materials in your sinus area.

Provider: Theodore Schiff
Date/time:Choose one of the openings below. (EDT)
Price:$65 (pre-payment required)