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Service:Ninety Minute Integrative Acupressure Session add another, change
INTEGRATIVE ACUPRESSURE is a healing practice guided by the Five Element theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and draws upon the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology, physical therapy, Thai Yoga Massage, Zen Shiatsu and Therapeutic Massage to promote healing on a physical, psychological and spiritual level. A session, in which you remain fully clothed, may include integrated use of the following modalities:

ENERGETIC BALANCING: Stimulation with fingertip pressure, of “acupoints” that lie on the body’s meridians (pathways of energy) to bring about balance between the potential and kinetic energy in the body. This helps to create a healthy flow of energy and proper function of the internal organs.

STRUCTURAL BALANCING: The entire body is supported not only by its skeletal structure but also by the other soft tissues that make it up (muscles, fascia, etc.). By releasing blocks in these areas that are holding tension, freedom and balance is brought to the structure as a whole. Integrative Acupressure includes the use of the practitioner’s fingers, hands, forearms, elbows, feet and knees. The session will also include assisted stretching. The work is relaxing and invigorating all in the same session.

REFLEXOLOGY is a form of foot “massage” that is based on Eunice Ingram’s system, which views our feet as precise maps of our whole bodies. I employ reflexology to help diagnose and release energy blocks. It is a complete treatment in itself or integrated with a session.

Provider: Theodore Schiff
Date/time:Choose one of the openings below. (EDT)
Price:$175 (pre-payment required)