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Service:One Hour Medical Massage add another, change

This is Medical Massage Therapy prescribed by a Doctor or Physician in cases of Auto Accident (PIP) Claims or Workers Compensation.  Clients are responsible for payment before or at the time of service.  Documentation, Soap Noting will be provided to the client where needed for the insurance companies or Parties of interest, with prior written consent given to me by the client or Guardian.  Medical Massage Therapy is outcome-based massage, basically the action of very specific treatment protocols targeted to the specific problem(s) areas the patient presents with a physician's diagnosis and referral for treatment.  After an assessment/evaluation by the medical massage therapist with specific outcomes being the basis for treatment.  In many cases this type of massage therapy is billed through the patients insurance, which could be health, auto, or workers  compensation.

Provider: Theodore Schiff
Date/time:Choose one of the openings below. (EDT)
Price:$200 (pre-payment required)